

The Strategic Pediatric Alliance (SPA) consortium is not an additional organization in the European scenario, yet it is an alliance action network among existing major European Association, Societies and Confederations. It was formed during the 2011 Europaediatrics meeting in Vienna among European Paediatric Association (EPA), European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP), European Confederation  of  Primary Care Paediatricians (ECPCP) and various National Pediatrics Societies and Associations, with the intent of promoting the importance of unifying, and thereby strengthening, the individual efforts of European professional health-care organizations (Associations, Societies and Confederations) in order to work collectively to influence the opinions of governmental administrators, politicians and relevant EU Institutions.


Its activities are developed in form of projects promoted, discussed and shared by the Associations, Societies and Confederations active in the Consortium.